Discounts and Coupon codes from Trophy Kits

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Find your deal here. Read below to find various codes and discounts available.
Discounts and coupon codes are only available on website orders and subject to terms and conditions.
Free Shipping Over $99.00
If your order qualifies for the free shipping promo, it will automatically
show in the shipping options during checkout. More details here.
CODE: No code required
have a large enough order for Free Shipping? 5% Off orders under $99.00
We have a special offer just for you. Our free shipping promo is a huge discount because we pay your shipping.
Technically, it's not free - we just pay it on your behalf. It's a discount. But what about customers who do not order enough for free shipping?
You need discounts too, Right? Here you go... Especially for you..
EXPIRATION: While supplies last - if you see it here, it's good!
Up to 50% off Nameplates when you buy more
We redesigned our nameplate products that were previously sorted by size and now they are combined into one product. This means you can get all sizes combined towards your
quantity discount threshold. Discounts kick in at a low quantity of 5 plates. See them here.
CODE: No code Required
Spinning Base Discontinued sale. Additional 10% off.
The vendor has decided to quit offering these cool spinning
bases and we have made a huge purchase at a crazy price. We
need to move thousands of these off the warehouse floor fast
and we are passing the savings over to you. These
originally sold for $3.99 each... Our sale price
is already CRAZY LOW, but we are giving you a code to get an
extra 10% off for a limited time. See them here.
EXPIRATION: Expired - RENEWED - Good until
sold out
Quantity Discount Pricing
Virtually all of our products have quantity discounts in place. You'll see these right on the product detail pages in a chart.
Quantity discounts are automatically
calculated in the shipping cart and no code is needed. Our way of rewarding you for buying more. Start Shopping now..
No Code Required
Our Mission is simple:
To offer high quality Awards at the best
possible price, while maintaining a superior level of
customer service.